It ain’t me babe: A Brief Flirtation in Florence

Florence. Photograph. April 2023.

In Florence, I met a forty-five year old man, for the purpose of this story, we’ll call him Bradley. Strumming his cheap acoustic guitar, he walked over to me, smiling and watching to see if I was impressed. “I heard you singing earlier, you were good.” Bradley said in a low voice. He began his courtship ritual, asking me about myself, listening intently, he was confident and slow speaking. He asked if I’d care to sing with him. Although I could see where he was headed, I love to sing so I asked him if he knew how to play “leaving in a jet plane”. We sang the song together.

Afterwards, Bradley began his well prepared pitch, “I’m just travelling the world to see what the universe brings to me.” I don’t think I could conceal the disenchanted look on my face, though I tried. He asked to sing another song, we sang a version of “It ain’t me babe”.

Afterwards, he filled the air between us with grand delusions and spiritually enlightened talking points grifted from TikTok reels. Posing as a philosopher and lover, he told me my eyes contained a depth of soul that is like that of a much older and wiser woman.

I told him that I was forty-two. Bradley quickly remembered that he forgot his car was double-parked. He needed to leave immediately to ensure that it was not towed.

Bradley knows who his key demographic is, and it’s not a woman his own age. It is not a woman with the emotional maturity and life experience to decode his “philosophy” and reveal him as a bullshit artist. He wasted no time upon his return to our hostel, moving on to the nearest young thing with sparkling eyes and a credit card.

Men like Bradley depend upon naive young women to fall for their nonsense in order to financially support them while they attempt to “live life authentically”.

Although he is definitely full of shit, and lacks true authenticity, I can say that he is right about one thing, it ain’t never gonna be me, babe.

Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

Paris Cemetary. 2022.

October is scary movie month on all your favorite media outlets, and who doesn’t love to be scared? As a lover of all things spooky, (just ask me about my long term crush on David Duchovny for his portrayal of Fox “spooky” Mulder) I have decided to participate by giving you some of my all-time favorite forms of creepy entertainment 2022 has to offer.

In honor of my love of both spooky sobriquets and narratives. I have some spooky recommendations to help you get into the Halloween spirit.

If you want to be truly terrified, beyond all reason, begin by watching 20 minutes of TikTok Live. To be truly whiplashed between reality and surreality with M Night Shyamalan-esc twists and turns, it is imperative that you watch only content from the Post-1 am crew. Whether it’s the Late night wannabe cult leaders of Psychic TikTok or the pure chaos that is Prison TikTok, you are sure to find the thing that frightens you most. It’s algorithms will leave you so unsure of your own autonomy so much that you may begin to question the very concept of free will altogether.

If you prefer a more psychological thriller, check out YouTube for a 20 minute montage of Love Island couples arguing about which one of them is more toxic. It’s like War of the Roses, but if Michael Douglas’ character were played by a young Sylvester Stallone on high doses of steroids, just after suffering a traumatic brain energy, and Kathleen Turner’s character was being portrayed by that drunk girl that spends all of girls night out crying in the club’s bathroom. It will have you questioning not only your sanity, but the sanity of the world at large.

If you prefer a graphic revenge fantasy type horror, I highly recommend 15 minutes of scrolling through literally any dating app. It will leave you feeling partially disgusted, partially aroused, and all the way disheartened, longing for the days when you could quietly fall in love with a fictional character fantasy made real by two fingers, a body pillow, and a dream.

Fox “Spooky” Mulder, fictional character, seen here falling madly in love with me.

For traditional jump scare-lovers, I recommend 10 minutes of reading unsolicited messages from men in my DM Message requests folder. Scary stuff in that folder await you. It’s as if Schrodinger designed a messaging system, where each message simultaneously is and is not what you expected it would be.

Last but not least, if you are a lover of Lynchian dystopia and want to experience something that leaves you with that powerful sense of dread rivaled only by a Clive Barker film, conclude your spooky sesh with 25 minutes listening to only the obnoxious guitar solos from rock ballads made by bands only your racist uncle remembers.

These are just a few things I have found truly horrifying over the last year. It is with great hope that I pass them on to you now. Hope that we can all find the fear and anxiety to once again propel us toward panic-buying our way into the Hallow-Thanks-Mas season. Thus propping up billionaires at the expense of our own mental health; like the good, hardworking Americans we are!

—Or we could all wear chunky sweaters, go outside, and play in the lovely fall weather like a bunch of dirty commies.

The choice is yours America.

Continue reading “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps”

The Tree & The Child

M. Naomi Fuqua. The Tree. Photograph. (2022) Paris, France.

A child follows the sound of trees creaking and bending in the wind, and finds herself in front of the Tree.

Tree: Look into my eye, I will show you your future, my child.

Child: (weary) Is it safe?

Tree: Yes. Come near to me child, be still and watch closely at its center, you have nothing to fear.

Child: It feels like sleep. I can see a light.

Tree: Let the light envelop you in its warmth my child. You are safe with me.

Child: Where has the light gone? I cannot see.

Tree: Now , you have become the light.

Child: If I am the light, why is it so dark?

Tree: We cannot see ourselves how others perceive us. To the light, the world is darkness.

Child: What is my future then?

Tree: To be consumed by the light.

Child: (faintly) I want to wake up, please let me leave this dream.

Tree: Shhh my child. This is not a dream. Be at peace.

Child: (only a whisper now) How is this peace? I feel nothing.

Tree: You will never feel pain again. You will never again be alone. Here inside the light, you will always be safe child.

The child whimpers softly and goes silent.

The tree extends it branches and shakes its leaves, taking a deep breath of air.

In the distance the tree hears a child crying, the tree stretches and twists its trunk forward. The curious child walks closer to investigate.